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苹果LL-HLS扩展:比想象中难吗?(演讲约25分钟) 您没有权限观看该直播,请购票
Ben is Vice President of Engineering at Wowza Media Systems.He has been working in the video field since 2011, and has specialized in the design and leading the implementation of Live, Video on Demand, and Cloud DVR systems. He is very interested in encoding technology and enjoy working with video and audio compression as well as delivery systems that can deliver audio and video at scale. His talk is about scaling Low-Latency HLS, an area of particular interest to him, as they have implemented this standard in the Wowza Streaming Engine media server.
Ben 的演讲是关于扩展低延迟 HLS 的,这是他特别感兴趣的一个领域,因为他们已经在 Wowza 流媒体引擎服务器中实现了这个标准。