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有关WebTransport的一切(演讲约30分钟)  您没有权限观看该直播,请购票    



分享者:Will Law/Akamai/Chief Architect ( Media & Carrier )

Will Law is Chief Architect within the Media & Carrier division at Akamai and a leading media delivery technologist. Involved with streaming media on the Internet for the last 19 years, he has a strong focus on client-side development and wrote many of the early connection frameworks. Currently focusing on low latency streaming, MPEG DASH, technology evaluation, UHD distribution, VR delivery, CMAF, WebTransport and multi-bitrate switching. Law is currently Chairman of the CTA WAVE Project, Co-Chair of the W3C WebTransport Working Group and past President of the DASH Industry Forum. He holds Masters degrees in Aerospace Engineering and an MBA and has worked previously for Adobe, Internap and a series of five engineering and media-related startups.


In a web powered by HTTP, Websockets and WebRTC, there are still many use-cases which desire the ability to send ordered and reliable data along with unordered and unreliable data, as quickly and efficiently as possible. This demand is giving rise to the development of WebTransport - a new transport framework being developed which enables clients constrained by the Web security model to communicate with a remote server using a secure multiplexed transport. This talk looks at the requirements and history of WebTransport, as well as the technical network stack, the proposed protocols of QuicTransport and Http3Transport being developed by the IETF, as well as the draft browser APIs being developed by the W3C.

