技术标签: 单目3D

Learning-based 3D Point Cloud Enhancement: from Static to Dynamic

3D point clouds are widely used in immersive telepresence, cultural heritage reconstruction, geophysical information systems, autonomous driving, and virtual/augmented reality. Despite rapid development in 3D sensing technology, acquiring 3D point cloud data with high spatial and temporal resolution and complex geometry/topology is still time-consuming, challenging, or costly. This talk will present our recent studies on computational methods (i.e., deep learning)-based 3D point cloud reconstruction, including sparse 3D point cloud upsampling, temporal interpolation of dynamic 3D point cloud sequences, and adversarial 3D point cloud generation.

Junhui Hou

单目3D 3D点云


单目3D人体姿态估计(aka. 3D HPE)在视频动作分析、计算机图形学(CG)等领域有广泛的应用场景,同时,由于无需复杂的人体动捕设备,使单目3D HPE系统更加易于部署。5月10日晚七点,LiveVideoStack邀请到了来自北京影谱科技的人工智能高级工程师 宋波,主要分享从单目图片或视频中估计3D人体姿态的技术挑战,业界一些典型工作,以及公司在该领域的一些探索。


单目视觉 单目3D LiveVideoStack 公开课 北京影谱科技 宋波



紧抓多媒体生态趋势,将浏览器、WebAssembly和Rust等热点结合;熟知播放器工作原理,为实现商业化H.264/H.265播放器打下坚实基础;课程包含图文、代码、视频,降低学习门槛; 李超精准讲解,及时详细解答

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