技术标签: 软件开发

An interview with Justin Uberti: RTC past, present, and future

In January 2021, WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communications) became an official web standard, which is a significant milestone for this open-source project that was released by Google in 2011. The purpose of WebRTC is to enable real-time media communications like voice, video and data transfer between browsers and devices. During the Covid-19 pandemic, WebRTC became increasingly important by keeping the world connected.


RTC WebRTC 网络传输 软件开发



紧抓多媒体生态趋势,将浏览器、WebAssembly和Rust等热点结合;熟知播放器工作原理,为实现商业化H.264/H.265播放器打下坚实基础;课程包含图文、代码、视频,降低学习门槛; 李超精准讲解,及时详细解答

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