
Emerging AV1 Video Codec – Novel Inter and Intra Prediction Tools Under Consideration

分享者: Zoe Liu/微帧科技/联合创始人/首席科学家

Zoe Liu 是微帧科技(Visionular)联合创始人兼首席科学家。Zoe与合伙人朱政一起于2018年7月创立微帧,在杭州和硅谷同时设立子公司,致力于视频AI+编码和处理技术的打造,提供面向企业的相关产品和服务,力图视频带宽需求更小、画质更清晰的极致解决方案。Zoe在微帧之前曾就职于谷歌5年,是开放媒体联盟(AOM)新一代开源视频编解码标准AV1的主要贡献者,对图像/视频编码标准及相应编解码器优化技术拥有资深的研发经验。Zoe曾是多款拥有数亿活跃用户或技术变革性视频通话产品研发团队的核心成员,包括苹果公司的FaceTime、谈客视讯的多移动平台视频通话APP、以及谷歌眼镜的视频通话APP。Zoe拥有多个世界著名研究实验室的工作经验,包括贝尔实验室、诺基亚研究中心、太阳微处理器中心实验室、以及惠普实验室。Zoe已发表40多篇国际会议/期刊论文,署名50余项正在审定或已授权的技术专利。她曾是2018年谷歌开发者大会(Google I/O)发言人,并一直是LiveVideoStack音视频社区大会的积极参与者。


Google started the WebM Project in 2010 to develop open source, royalty-­free video codecs designed specifically for media on the Web. The second generation codec released by the WebM project, VP9, ­is currently served by YouTube, and enjoys billions of views per day. Realizing the need for even greater compression efficiency to cope with the growing demand for video on the web, the WebM team embarked on an ambitious project to develop a next edition codec AV1, in a consortium of major tech companies called the Alliance for Open Media (AOM), that achieves at least a generational improvement in coding efficiency over VP9. In this talk, we focus primarily on the new tools developed by AV1, including the tools and coding modes for the prediction of pixel blocks that improve intra, inter and combined inter-intra prediction, as well as new paradigms for transform, interpolation filtering, coefficient entropy-coding, super-resolution, and restoration filtering.


紧抓多媒体生态趋势,将浏览器、WebAssembly和Rust等热点结合;熟知播放器工作原理,为实现商业化H.264/H.265播放器打下坚实基础;课程包含图文、代码、视频,降低学习门槛; 李超精准讲解,及时详细解答