Reza Rassool,CTO of RealNetworks。His pioneering achievements include: Lightworks NLE, technical OSCAR/EMMY, sold to Tektronix;bringing the world’s first VOD server to market while at Micropolis/StreamLogic;developing software DRM at Widevine Technologies, sold to Google 2010;bionic eye development at Second Sight, IPO 2014;music creation technology at Zya, raised $48M;Reza gained a B.Sc. in Physics from King's College, has 24 patents granted and numerous papers published.
紧抓多媒体生态趋势,将浏览器、WebAssembly和Rust等热点结合;熟知播放器工作原理,为实现商业化H.264/H.265播放器打下坚实基础;课程包含图文、代码、视频,降低学习门槛; 李超精准讲解,及时详细解答